Weekly Innovation Project Reflection 10/16

Sophia Burns
Oct 16, 2020

Yesterday was out 20% project day and The main thing I accomplished was writing a letter to the people that are participating. I included how much book were ($1 for kids books and $2 for chapter books) but that’s only if you want to keep them. Another thing I did was help my dad build the box that every thing will be in. We also talked to a local store to see if it was okay if we placed the books there.

Two things I regret doing are not doing as much work as I should have. Yesterday I had a hard time focusing so everytime I would try to get something done I would forget was I was doing. Another thing I regret doing is not ordering the library cards sooner because they still haven’t come in the mail and I am going to need them soon.

One piece of advice I would like to give myself is to try to focus harder. It is very hard especially because I have a thyroid condition and it messes with ym ability to focus.

